Voting Information
Election day is Wednesday, November 13, 2024 from 9am – 8pm
Advance Polls occur November 1, 2, 3, and 4. There will also be a drive-thru at City Hall, Mobile Polls, Special Polls, and Mail-in Ballots.
Regina Public School Board election information can be found here or through the City of Regina.
Lee is running in Subdivision 5. Here is a SUBDIVISION MAP
You must vote in the area that you reside. Subdivision 5 includes Cathedral, North Central, McNab, Dieppe, Rosemont, Mount Royal and Westerra.
Schools in Subdivision 5 include:
Albert Community School
Allan Blakeney Adult Campus
École Connaught Community School
The Crescents Elementary School
Kitchener Community School
Martin Collegiate
Rosemont Elementary School
Scott Collegiate,
Seven Stones Community School
Walker Elementary School